Free roadside assistance from Total

* Free roadside assistance * Cover for two weeks * At Total forecourts...

Free roadside assistance from Total

Free roadside assistance is now up for grabs every time you fill up with 30 litres of fuel at any Total forecourt in the country.

The free 14 days of cover is provided by Axa Assistance and can be continually extended by a further two weeks every time you refill with at least 30 litres (or 10 litres for a motorbike).

Once you've texted a code to Total to activate the cover, the nationwide assistance includes Homestart, for when you break down within a mile of home, and recovery to a garage if your car cannot be repaired within an hour.

This garage has to be within 15 miles of the breakdown, and you need to keep your refuelling receipt to benefit from the cover.

There are no limitations to the offer period and the scheme has been running successfully in other European countries for many years.

For more information visit, where you can also find a Total forecourt finder. Total accounts for around a tenth of fuel sold in the UK and has approximately 1000 forecourts in the UK.