Home again

* Porsche driving experience * Ice driving in Arctic Finland * Porsche-run course...

Home again

Night falls early and with a thud in these parts, so after another hour of turbocharged tomfoolery, it's time to call it a day.

We grudgingly meander our way back up to the hut, where a bus with our belongings awaits to take us back to the airport.

All too soon, we're airborne on our way home, and as the buzz of adrenaline fades, satisfied exhaustion sets in.

Shortly before slumber envelops us, we think back and know that we've genuinely learned a huge amount about how to predict when a car will go sideways on snow and ice, we've learned how to catch it, and we've learned how to sort it all out.

We're all at the stage where we can do it instinctively, too, which is vital if you get an unforeseen emergency in the snow on your way home from the office.

The full four-day course is hugely expensive, but it is a hugely entertaining experience for everyone who takes it. It is also truly educational and frankly, 5500 will seem like money well spent if you manage to stop your pride and joy from rotating into a tree one crisp winter's day. Besides, there are also cheaper courses starting from 3900.

Customers can book by contacting Natasha Svaganovic at DERtour on 0207 290 1111. Courses generally run during a a 12-14-week period from mid-December to early March. Find out more at Porsche's website