Average hourly labour rates

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Average hourly labour rates

Average hourly labour rates (Figures from Warranty Direct)
Why are franchised dealers more expensive than independents? Possible reasons are higher overheads and that their mechanics earn more for each hour they work.

These figures are the average labour rates charged by franchised and independent garages for each manufacturer.

1. Taunton - Somerset
Franchised 89
Independent 54

2. Basingstoke - Hampshire
Franchised 108
Independent 58

3. Gravesend - Kent
Franchised 95
Independent 57

4. Aylesbury - Buckinghamshire
Franchised 109
Independent 57

5. Monmouth - Monmouthshire
Franchised 98
Independent 58

6. Warwick - Warwickshire
Franchised 97
Independent 50

7. Warrington Cheshire
Franchised 101
Independent 48

8. Scunthorpe - Lincolnshire
Franchised 81
Independent 45

9. Middlesbrough N. Yorkshire
Franchised 92
Independent 58

10. Cumbernauld N. Lanarkshire
Franchised 83
Independent 39