Rate your BMW or Mini experience

* Give your dealer a star rating * Comments can also be left * Results visible on dealer's website...

Rate your BMW or Mini experience

BMW and Mini customers can now rate their dealer, thanks to a new online feedback system.

Using a system that's similar to ones used on sites such as Amazon and Ebay, customers will be able to rate their sales or service experience on a scale of one to five, while also leaving a comment.

Customers will be allocated a unique code, which relates to a particular sales or service experience. Their comments will be published in full and remain on the dealership's website for 90 days and be visible to anyone visiting the site.

Chris Mason, director of Motor Codes, the industry body committed to raising customer service standards, said: 'I am deeply impressed by BMW Groups star ratings. The system brings a new level of transparency and openness to the retail car showroom and aftersales facility and will be a wonderful resource for customers.'

How they rate
For a dealer to score five stars, it have to achieve a rating between 95- and 100% satisfaction, while at the other end of the scale one star is rated below 20%.
BMW hopes the system will help its dealerships learn how to respond quickly and effectively to the ratings and comments made.