Tune in digitally to beat the jams

* An estimated one million digital radios sold in the run-up to Christmas * Highways Agency broadcasting traffic news 24 hours a day * Traffic info updated every 10 minutes during busy peri...

Tune in digitally to beat the jams

If you found a digital radio under the tree this Christmas, you should tune in for the latest traffic information, according to the Highways Agency.

With an estimated one million radios sold in the weeks before Christmas, and many more to be bought in the New Year sales, the Highways Agency is predicting an upturn in listeners to its Traffic Radio service.

The 24-hour-a-day station is available on digital radio and online at www.trafficradio.org.uk. During busy periods the reports are updated every ten minutes using the Agencys 3750 road sensors and 1000 traffic cameras.

The head of the Highways Agencys National Traffic Control Centre, Steve Crosthwaite, said: The increase in digital radio sales means that more people have access to helpful information when and where they want it, allowing them to make informed choices about their journey.