12. Autoglym Active Insect

* Is your car covered in sun-baked insects? * We test the best cleaners * See what's best to clean your car...

12. Autoglym Active Insect

Best price: 6.95 (Amazon)
Capacity: 500ml
Type: Spray

For: Cleaned surfaces and buffed to a good shine
Against:Expensive, not as effective as cheaper alternatives

Unusually for an Autoglym product we didnt get good results a repeat application was needed to get rid of all the sun-dried bugs. As the most expensive product on test, this was disappointing. After two applications, the paintwork of our test car was clean, and the gleam was restored following a quick polish with a dry cloth.

Widely available, but the most expensive product on test.

Ease of Use:
The foaming action of the spray made it more difficult to treat localised areas, and we had to use two applications to get through the toughest remains.

Special features/Limitations:
Safe to use on all surfaces, so more versatile than some. However, it's not recommended for use on contaminants other than bugs.