Cash and wild card deals

* Top scrappage models listed * All the information you need * Are you entitled to the cash?...

Cash and wild card deals

Do I qualify for scrappage cash?
It's the question on everyone's lips at the moment, so here's the deal to see whether you've got a 2000 discount coming your way.

The Government has set aside 300 million for the scrappage scheme. That's enough for only 300,000 sales, so get in there quick, because it's first come, first served.

No matter what, the scheme will finish on February 28, 2010 (provided the 300 million hasn't already been used up) and there are several criteria your old car must meet.

Scrappage car criteria you must meet
If you want your share of the 300 million scrappage cash that's available, then you must be able to say 'yes' to all of these conditions...
•It must have been first registered before August 31, 1999
•You must have been the registered keeper for the past 12 months at least
•It must be taxed and have a valid MoT certificate
•It must be a car or van lighter then 3.5 tonnes. It must also be free of any outstanding finance.

Scrappage wild cards...
Let the What Car? editorial team deal you a scrappage wild card right here. Just click on the What Car? staffers, below, and see where their money would go...