Luxury car

Luxury car

1st: Volkswagen Phaeton
Price from 43,515
Theft of
Theft from
If you want a rolling Fort Knox, the Volkswagen Phaeton is as close as you're going to get.

The highest-scoring car in the history of this survey barely puts a foot wrong, raking in points for its locks, stronghold storage and key security.

The Volkswagen is still only a little ahead of rivals, however, with the top five cars in this class getting
a double five-star rating.

2nd: Audi A8
Price from 49,995
Etching vehicle identification marks on windows isn't hard, but it's about the only thing the A8 lacks. Otherwise it's difficult to find fault with Audi's luxury car.

3rd: Mercedes S-Class
Price from 55,885
Again, no window etching, but an otherwise good performance. The S-Class narrowly beats the Lexus LS and Daimler Super Eight.