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10 ways to bag a used car bargain in 2021

Planning to buy a used car in 2021? Don’t take the plunge until you’ve read our 10 top tips for getting the best deal...

10 ways to bag a used car bargain in 2019

1. Haggle, haggle, haggle

10 ways to bag a used car bargain in 2019

Haggling is crucial to getting a good deal on a used car. If that sounds obvious to you, you’re in the minority; more than half of all car owners say they didn’t haggle on their last purchase. But most cars are priced up with a margin in mind for negotiation. So if you don’t negotiate, you’re paying over the odds.

Haggling doesn’t have to be awkward or embarrassing. Just remember at all times that the power to purchase is in your hands – no matter how much the salesman might try to make you think otherwise. Do your research before you buy; establish what you think is a fair price, go in with a maximum figure in mind and don’t exceed it. And never forget that there’s no harm in walking away; there’s nothing a car dealer hates more than the sight of the back of a customer and, if you still want the car, you can always pick up the phone later.

If you’re still not convinced, ask yourself this: what have you got to lose? After all, if you’re unsuccessful, you won’t pay any more than you’d pay without trying. Get it right, though, and you’ll end up with a great used car at a bargain price.