Car use crumples as credit crunch bites

* Poll shows 29% of people are using car less * 1.3m people planning to sell their car * AA says car use down by 20%, too...

Car use crumples as credit crunch bites

A poll has shown that rising costs are forcing people out of their cars.

The poll for Abbey Mortgages has shown that people are tightening their belts because of rising prices, and it's having a major impact on how much we drive.

Roughly 1.3 million people are considering selling their cars because of the impact of the credit crunch and rising fuel prices.

Almost a third of those polled (29%) have said they are using their car less, too, to save money.

The poll ties in with evidence from the AA - some of its 5000 patrols were reporting fewer cars on the road than this time last year.