Used Peugeot 106 Hatchback 1996 - 2004 reliability
Category: Small car
The Peugeot 106 is a spirited city car that will put a smile on your face

What should I look for in a used Peugeot 106 hatchback?
The 106 wasn't really built to last forever and the suspension may need repairs at any time after 50,000 miles. Pay close attention to knocking noises, look for uneven tyre wear and check the car drives straight and true. According to Warranty Direct, suspension and axles give the biggest trouble.
Coolant and oil leaks aren't unheard of. If the car shows any signs of these - particularly oil trouble - give the car a wide berth. There are plenty to choose from without risking ending up with something that could cost a small fortune.
Clutches can be troublesome, and the problem can be made worse because the 106 is a popular first-time car for young drivers, who often give the clutch a hard time. So check for any slip.
For the same reason, look out for signs of parking knocks, cracked lamp covers and patched-up accident damage. The GTI is a prime candidate for crash repairs.