8th AlcoSafe KX6000S

* Do personal breathalysers work? * We test eight devices scientifically * Units from 20-300 tested...

8th  AlcoSafe KX6000S

8th AlcoSafe KX6000S
Best Price: 64.00 (alcodigital.co.uk)
Sensor: Semi-conductive oxide
For: Nicely styled; clear display and warnings
Against: Worst accuracy out of all units on test

Accuracy: The good news is that the KX6000S was always on the safe side of wrong by over-reading samples. The unit consistently over-estimated the amount of alcohol in our laboratory simulations sometimes by 100%. Much lower-priced breathalysers were more accurate.

Value for Money: At 64, the Alcosafe unit is right in the centre of the mid-price band. Its classy packaging gives the impression of a premium product, and visually, at least, the KX6000S does not disappoint. Rivals at this price are more accurate. however.

Ease of Use: The instructions were simple to read, but didnt always tally with the reality of using the device. The countdown from 100 to 0 while the unit prepares itself for a test can suddenly jump to 0 catching you off-guard. On the plus side, results are very clearly presented with a green, amber or red light along with a digital readout. Previous results and the number of tests performed are stored and the alert level can be changed too although it is not that easy to do. A storage pouch is included in the price.

Owning: Calibration is required every six months or 300 tests at a cost of 20.