Every electric car eligible for the Government's £1500 plug-in car grant

Cars costing more than £32,000 are no longer eligible for the Government's plug-in car grant, but that still leaves 26 fully electric models that are...

Every electric car eligible for the Government's £1500 plug-in car grantImage 1 of 26

Since 2011, the UK Government has offered a grant to help with the cost of buying an electric car, but last year the amount you could receive was cut to £1500 from the previous figure of £2500.

The upper price limit for eligible vehicles was also reduced, so that only cars costing up to £32,000 were eligible.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of exciting electric cars that do, including some that have only just gone on sale. It's important to note, though, that not all trim levels of each car qualify for the grant, so it's worth checking before you decide to go ahead with any purchase.

Here we take a look at all 16 options and reveal which ones are worth considering. If any of them take your fancy, just use the relevant link to read our full review, or see how much you could save by using the free What Car? New Car Buying service.

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