Honda reveals new portable breathalyser

Honda reveals a new breathalyser which can be integrated into a car's key...

Honda reveals new portable breathalyser

Honda has revealed a new portable breathalyser which can be integrated into a car's key, preventing the vehicle from starting if the driver is over the drink-driving limit.

The new device, developed in partnership with tech giant Hitachi, is capable of measuring the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath and can provide accurate results in three seconds.

The breathalyser can be integrated into current smart keys, which are sold with a growing majority of new vehicles and allow cars to be entered and started remotely.

While similar devices are already available, Honda says its device is different because the driver can measure their breath from anywhere outside the car. Other devices require the driver to pass a 'test' from the driver's seat.

The system can also be linked to a car's infotainment screen, showing the level of measured alcohol in a sample. If the sample is over the drink-drive limit, then the system can also prevent the car from starting.

This isn't the first time Honda has taken action to cut down on drink driving. Last December, Honda teamed up with AlcoSense to give away personal breathlyser kits at its dealerships over the festive period.

In England and Wales, the current drink driving limit is 80mg per 100ml of blood, but there are calls to introduce a lower, 50mg per 100ml limit, which is already in force in Scotland.