5th AlcoSense Lite

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5th  AlcoSense Lite

5th AlcoSense Lite
Best Price: 34.99 (alcosense.co.uk)
Sensor: Semi-conductive oxide
For: Excellent performer for such a low price
Against: Very little

Accuracy: Follow the instructions carefully and this budget unit can punch above its weight. The AlcoSense Lite was the best of the cheaper models, and not far off the best mid-priced units. The Lite is the pick of the discount devices.

Value for Money: Its hard to complain at this price.

Ease of Use: You have to remember to press the blow button while giving a sample which is a bit fiddly but other than that it's pretty straightforward. The written and on-screen instructions are clear, and the results are displayed immediately. A symbol shows if you are close to or over the drink-drive limit. The Lites compact size is another plus point.

Owning: The AlcoSense One needs calibrating every year, at 12.99 or 24.99 for calibration and full service.