The best used Audis you can buy

If you like the idea of owning an Audi, but are planning to buy used rather than new, these are the models we'd recommend considering...

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Ever wondered what the Audi badge means? Not in a philosophical sense, but a literal one. Well, each of the four rings represents a brand: one is Audi, while the others are the brands that merged with it, those being Horch, DKW and Wanderer. This was before the Volkswagen group acquired the majority of the company's shares in 1964. 

Today, Audi is a powerhouse, having produced everything from small cars to sports cars. All of its models have a keen focus on luxury, positioning them above your everyday VWs and putting them on a par with cars from BMW and Mercedes

So, they're desirable machines, but you already knew that – hence you're here to find out what Audis are best. You're also interested in saving some money, so used models are on the menu, rather than new ones.